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Competition among battery companies in the era of fast charging

time:2024-06-14 source:高工锂电

With the increasing penetration rate of new energy vehicles, power battery technology, as its core power source, is undergoing a new transformation.

In the industry chain of new energy vehicles, battery technology has always been the core of competition. With the increasing demands of consumers for charging speed and range, fast charging technology has become a trend in industry development.

Since the beginning of this year, numerous battery companies have made appearances and launched various distinctive fast charging battery products. This change not only brings new technological research and development directions and business growth points for battery companies, but also brings a more convenient energy replenishment experience to downstream users.

At the Beijing Auto Show, CATL launched the Shenxing Battery PLUS, which can achieve a range of 600km after 10 minutes of charging, greatly reducing the waiting time for users; The ultra fast charging technology of Xinwangda's new generation flash charging batteries has increased the charging speed several times compared to traditional batteries, with a peak charging rate of 6C. It only takes 10 minutes to charge to 80% SOC. The new product brought by Ruipu Lanjun for PHEV models, with its "Wending" PHEV series battery cells accelerating lithium-ion transfer speed, gives the battery a super fast charging capacity of 2-4C;

At the CIBF2024 held in Chongqing, China Innovation Aviation Exhibition unveiled the latest "top flow" product under the OS minimalist design concept - the "top flow" cylindrical battery, which has an energy density of 300Wh/kg and can achieve 6C+fast charging. Lanjun New Energy has brought 324Ah power battery cells, which have been innovated in all aspects such as high safety, ultra fast charging, and long cycle, enhancing their energy density and cycle life while strengthening their fast charging ability.

The accelerated popularity of fast charging batteries is also a huge blessing for downstream users. In the past, the charging problem of new energy vehicles has always been one of the bottlenecks restricting their development. Due to slow charging speed and insufficient number of charging stations, many users are facing energy replenishment anxiety when using new energy vehicles.

Nowadays, fast charging batteries have become a major direction for the development of industry technology. With the popularization of fast charging batteries, users can complete charging in a shorter time, greatly improving the convenience of using new energy vehicles. Meanwhile, fast charging technology can also reduce user charging costs, improve charging efficiency, and further promote the popularization and penetration rate of new energy vehicles.

It is worth noting that the charging network that complements fast charging batteries is gradually being improved.

On the one hand, the government has increased investment in the construction of charging infrastructure, encouraging and supporting enterprises to build more charging piles and stations. At the same time, the government has also introduced a series of policy measures to promote the interconnection and intelligent management of charging facilities, improving the efficiency and service quality of charging facilities.

On the other hand, charging operators are also actively responding to market demand, increasing investment, and accelerating the construction and layout of charging facilities. From battery companies to automotive companies, companies such as CATL, NIO, Tesla, and Xiaopeng are accelerating the construction of domestic charging stations.

In the era of fast charging, the power battery industry chain has also brought about the accelerated application and development of new materials and technologies. In the research and production process of fast charging batteries, more advanced materials and technologies are needed to improve the energy density, charging speed, and safety of the batteries. The application of these new materials and technologies not only promotes the progress and upgrading of battery technology, but also brings new development opportunities to the entire power battery industry chain.

For example, in terms of materials, new types of positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials, and electrolytes are constantly emerging, and LIFSI electrolytes, lithium rich manganese based, and silicon based negative electrode technologies are becoming increasingly mature and perfect.

These new materials have higher energy density, better charging and discharging performance, and higher safety, which can meet the material performance requirements of fast charging batteries.

In terms of technology, intelligent charging technology, wireless charging technology, etc. have also been rapidly developed and applied. These new technologies can improve the intelligence and convenience of charging, providing users with a better charging experience.

The advent of the fast charging era has brought new development opportunities for battery companies and the new energy vehicle industry. As battery companies continue to increase their research and development investment, continuously improve their technological level and innovation capabilities, it will also further open up the growth space of the new energy market.

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