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The latest progress of solid-state batteries in the top 10 global lithium battery companies

time:2024-07-04 source:起点锂电

The competitive landscape of the global power battery market in 2024 has been preliminarily determined, and the installed capacity data for the first five months has been released.

On July 2nd, public data showed that the total installed capacity of power batteries worldwide from January to May this year reached 285.4GWh, a year-on-year increase of 23%.

The top ten companies in the rankings are CATL, BYD, LG New Energy, SK On, Samsung SDI, Panasonic, China Innovation Aviation, Yiwei Lithium Energy, Guoxuan High tech, and Xinwangda. Chinese battery companies continue to occupy six seats.

Among them, Ningde Times has an installed capacity of 107GWh for power batteries, with a market share of 37.5%, occupying the top position with an absolute advantage. At the same time, it is the only enterprise in the world with an installed capacity exceeding 100GWh; BYD's installed capacity of power batteries is 44.9 GWh, ranking second with a market share of 15.7%, an increase of 2 percentage points from the first two months of this year.

Contrary to the continuous increase in market share of domestic battery companies, in the first five months, the global market installed capacity share of Korean power battery companies was 22.3%, but it decreased by 2.8% year-on-year. In terms of market share, with the help of South Korea, power batteries cannot compete with the Ningde era.

In fact, since Ningde Times topped the global power battery installation list for 7 consecutive years, BYD surpassed LG New Energy and ranked second, and Chinese battery companies continued to win international orders, Korean battery companies have never stopped their "counterattack".

Especially in terms of battery technology, the three giants of South Korean batteries have without exception laid out lithium iron phosphate batteries, large cylindrical batteries, and even solid-state batteries to enhance their competitive advantages and win the favor of car companies.

Among them, in the currently popular solid-state battery industry, it is observed that over 80% of the top 10 global power battery companies have made layout and made some progress. Starting point lithium batteries summarize the latest layout progress of various enterprises for industry reference.

In the field of all solid state batteries, CATL's technology mainly relies on a dual material system of condensed matter and sulfides, with the goal of achieving an energy density of 500Wh/kg. It is currently continuously investing in the field of all solid state batteries and is expected to achieve small-scale production by 2027.

On the BYD side, market news shows that it may choose the technology route of high nickel ternary (single crystal)+silicon-based negative electrode (low expansion)+sulfide electrolyte (composite halide). The battery cell capacity can reach more than 60Ah, the mass specific energy density can reach 400Wh/Kg, the volume specific energy density can reach 800Wh/L, and the energy density of the battery pack exceeds 280Wh/Kg without firing or exploding in the needle puncture or hot box. The mass production time is roughly the same as the market, with small batch production in 2027 and market promotion period entering by 2030.

LG New Energy had expected to launch oxide solid-state batteries in 2028 and sulfide solid-state batteries in 2030. The latest news shows that LG New Energy aims to commercialize dry coated battery technology by 2028, which can reduce battery production costs by 17% -30%.

SK On plans to complete the research and development of polymer oxide composite solid state batteries and sulfide solid state batteries by 2026, and carry out industrialization in 2028. Currently, it is constructing a battery research center in Datian City, Zhongqing South Road.

Samsung SDI recently announced that it will begin mass production of solid-state batteries in 2027. The energy density of the battery components it drives will reach 900Wh/L, with a lifespan of up to 20 years and the ability to charge up to 80% in 9 minutes.

Panasonic had previously collaborated with Toyota in 2019, hoping to transform solid-state batteries from trial production to industrial production. The two sides also established a solid-state battery enterprise, Prime Planet Energy&Solutions Inc. However, there is currently no further news, but Panasonic announced in 2023 that it plans to start producing solid-state batteries, mainly for drones, before 2029.

There has been relatively little news about China Innovation Airlines in the field of solid-state batteries recently. In the fourth quarter of last year, China Innovation Airlines announced at the Global Partner Conference that the company's semi-solid batteries will be installed in a foreign luxury brand in the fourth quarter of 2024, which can achieve a 10 minute charging range of 500km and a maximum range of 1000km.

Zhao Ruirui, Executive Vice President of Yiwei Lithium Energy Central Research Institute, announced the new progress of solid-state batteries in June this year. It is reported that Yiwei Solid State Battery has chosen the technology route of sulfide and halide solid electrolytes, and is expected to launch all solid state batteries in 2026, first landing in hybrid vehicles.

Guoxuan High tech has released an all solid state "Jinshi Battery" using a sulfide electrolyte route, with an energy density of up to 350Wh/kg, which is more than 40% higher than mainstream ternary batteries, and a cycle life exceeding expectations of over 3000 times. At present, it has the ability to industrialize semi-solid state batteries, with a production capacity of 2GWh. It is expected that small batch trials of all solid state gold and stone batteries will be conducted in 2027, and mass production will be achieved by 2030 with a complete industrial chain.

Xinwangda made detailed public its progress in all solid state batteries for the first time in July this year. Xinwangda stated that through technological innovation, it is expected to reduce the cost of polymer based solid-state batteries to 2 yuan/Wh by 2026, which is close to the cost of semi-solid batteries.

At present, Xinwangda has completed a small-scale trial of all solid state batteries with a capacity of 20Ah and an energy density of over 400Wh/kg. It is also synchronously constructing an all solid state battery production line, and is expected to achieve mass production by 2026, with a production capacity of up to 1GWh. In addition, Xinwangda has further increased the energy density of solid-state batteries to 500Wh/kg by using lithium metal as the negative electrode, and there are currently laboratory prototype samples available. It is expected to complete the laboratory sample production of all solid state batteries with energy density>700Wh/kg by 2027.

Based on the above progress, most enterprises will carry out small-scale production of all solid state batteries in 2027, and 2030 will become the main period of industrialization. The industry believes that seizing the critical period of all solid state batteries in recent years, second - and third tier battery companies, as well as later ones, have the opportunity to achieve a "comeback".

However, it should be noted that besides the top 10 companies mentioned above, there are also many other companies that are laying out solid-state batteries.

Domestic battery and automotive companies include Funeng Technology, Lishen Battery, Zhengli New Energy, Huineng Technology, Qingtao Energy, Ganfeng Lithium Battery, Weilan New Energy, Xinjie Energy, Dongchi Technology, Enli Power, Zhongke Shenlan Huize, Lingxin New Energy, Zhongke Guneng, Ruixiao Technology, Shandong Jinqihang, NIO, SAIC, GAC, and others.

Foreign companies include Toyota, Nissan, BMW, Hyundai, SolidPower, QuantumScape, FactorialEnergy, Statevolt, 24M Technologies, Ampcera, SES AI Corporation, Natrion, ION Storage Systems, and battery startups.

It can be confirmed that the solid-state battery team is rapidly growing, and the market competition is on the verge of breaking out. Who will lead the way? We stay tuned and wait and see.

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